A Guide to Better Sleep – A Holistic Perspective

*This post is in partnership with Pascoe Canada.  

We have all been there. It’s 2 a.m. and your mind is going in a million different places. You may be worried about your workday ahead or trying to figure out your weekly meal plan!

Then there are the evenings when you lose track of time and binge-watch your favourite Netflix series until midnight. The combination of the blue light from the television and the excitement from the action show has now stimulated your brain and you have a hard time getting to sleep. 

Why is sleep so important?

In our busy society, many are functioning on the poor quality of sleep. Sleep is crucial to our overall health, immune system and even gut health!

I was once someone who suffered from severe insomnia for several years. I had to learn some very important skills to help my body to get the proper rest I needed to keep my body healthy!

During sleep, our body is busy at work detoxifying. It moves out toxic chemicals that have been collected throughout the day while it re-builds important tissues in the nervous system. It is also a time where our gut bacteria strengthen which helps to support our immune system. Studies have shown that those who received quality sleep had better quality gut bacteria. 

Sleep is one of the most overlooked aspects of holistic healing. 

Throughout the years, I have created holistic steps for quality sleep that have helped me heal from chronic illnesses. As a reminder, there is no quick fix when it comes to healing. These steps will take some patience and dedication. 

4 Holistic Tips for Better Sleep

  1. Put Your Body in a Calm State

Anxiety, stress and worry can be a BIG trigger for insomnia and sleep disturbances. If you find your brain wired or wandering, I highly recommend the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – Tapping. This technique is an easy method to help with your mood. Using your fingers, gently tap on the body’s acupuncture points. Start by going into your room with the lights dimmed. Begin by tapping on the specific points while saying positive words of affirmation.

The specific points to tap include:

  • Side of Hand
  • Top of Head– the crown of the head 
  • Eyebrow Point– beginning of the eyebrow, at nose edge 
  • Side of Eye – on bone edge 
  • Under Eye– on bone edge 
  • Under the Nose
  • Chin Point– between the lower lip and the chin 
  • Collarbone – slightly underneath the bone 
  • Under the Arm – upper side of the torso, middle of bra strap

Source: (https://eftinternational.org)

Here is a helpful video on how to do it: 

  • Use Natural Herbs

Passionflower is one of the most powerful herbs used to help with mood imbalances, and one of the best natural sleep remedies. It is also one of the best-studied, with multiple studies in animals and humans as well as a long history of clinical use.

Passionflower can be found in Pascoe Canada’s Pascoflair. Pascoflair is a herbal product that helps to naturally calm the mind and to stop racing thoughts which will help you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep. You can also have peace of mind knowing that Pascoflair has little to no side effects, no known drug interactions, no toxic effects and is non-habit forming. It is also safe for children 13 years and older. 

Pascoflair is used in herbal medicine as a natural sleep aid to assist with restlessness due to mental stress. It has the highest amount of passionflower extract on the market today. Passionflower has been studied extensively and has been proven effective with over 15 years of studies conducted. 

Passionflower is also known as Passiflora incarnata or passiflora incarnata L. This plant is a beautiful flower that is known for its sedative and calming effects. It helps to quiet the mind and bring one back into the present by relaxing the central nervous system (CNS). This can make it helpful for restlessness, nervousness and having trouble sleeping.

  • Ditch the blue light

Blue light which is emitted from electronics such as our cell phones, tablet and television can interfere with proper sleep. The blue light from the screens tricks our brain into thinking it is daytime and makes the circadian rhythm imbalanced. Melatonin which is the hormone that tells your brain to shut off is also impacted by blue light. Your body will then release hormones to keep you awake and alert instead of tired and drowsy. 

Aim to have electronics off an at least an hour before bedtime. A nice alternative to electronics before bed can be reading a book (not on a tablet). Snuggle into bed with a weighted blanket, a good book, and some lavender essential oil to relax and unwind before bed. 

A weighted blanket is a heavy blanket that is helpful for those with insomnia and anxiety. It can be beneficial for sleep as it gives the sense of feeling hugged and can calm the nervous system down. A study showed that 63% of people felt a decrease in their anxiety levels when they used a weighted blanket.

If you do need to be on electronics in the evening, try blue-blocking glasses to minimize the exposure.

  • Have a bedtime routine

Bedtime routines are not just for kids! Adults thrive on routine too. By getting yourself into a predictable routine, your body will sense that it is time for bed around the same time each evening. 

A nice evening routine could consist of a relaxing Epsom salt bath. Epsom salts contain magnesium which helps to relax the muscles. A warm bath will also help to open up the pores of the skin which will help to release toxins before bed. I love to listen to health and wellness podcasts while I soak in the bath. 

Next, you can apply some of Pascoe Canada’s Hyaluronic Body Serum, Vitamin C intensive serum, and Hyaluronic face cream. This is a great time to give yourself a massage or ask someone to do it for you! 

A warm chamomile tea and with some magnesium can help to relax the body even further.


Along with proper nutrition and lifestyle, Pascoe Canada’s supplements can be excellent in supporting sleep and gut health.

To learn more about Pascoe Canada’s products, visit their website here: https://www.pascoe.ca/

Always consult your doctor before you begin taking a supplement or make any changes to your existing medication and supplement routine. This is not medical advice, but it is information you can use as a conversation starter with your physician at your next appointment.