Chicory Root Prebiotic Benefits

*This post is in partnership with Pascoe Canada.

By now I am sure you have heard of probiotics, the live bacteria that live within our gut. But did you know that the beneficial bacteria need to be fed and fueled by PREbiotics?


Prebiotics are non-digestible fibre compounds that are degraded by the gut microbiota. They are essentially the food for the beneficial bacteria. They allow the probiotics to do their job properly such as:

  •  Supporting our immune system (70-80% resides in the gut) 
  •  Supporting a healthy digestive system (Assisting the body to eliminate properly)
  •  Managing blood sugar and regulating appetite


The truth is, we need both! Probiotics play a huge role in gut health as they add live bacteria to the gut. Think of probiotics as little seedlings that need fertilizer to grow. They require fertilization just as the trillions of beneficial bacteria that live inside of our gut! Fertilizer for the good gut bacteria would be the prebiotics!


Prebiotics are found in over 35,000 different plants. Sources include onion, asparagus, garlic, dates, almonds, nectarines, artichoke, bananas, apples and chicory root. The diversity of prebiotic foods is important for gut health!


Pascoe Canada’s Markofruct can be helpful to the gut microbiome as it is a prebiotic. Markofruct contains inulin from chicory root which is a dietary fibre used to improve bowel functions and gut health. It also contains chamomile which is soothing to the gut lining. 

Markofruct is a prebiotic product, which supports the healthy balance of the gut flora, has a positive effect on metabolism and enhances the body’s natural immune defense. It improves the microbial ecology of the gut and protects against some bacterial pathogens, particularly in the large intestine.

Using The Power of Nature To Feed Your Gut

  • Markofruct contains 5.6 g of oligofructose (inulin) and 0.08 g of chamomile dry extract per packet
  • Comes in a 30 x 6 g packet or 200 g bags, allowing for easy on-the-go use
  • Suggestive dosing 1 packet per day or 6 gs of prebiotic powder with 250 ml warm water.
  • Chamomile flavoured powder to drink like tea & made without lactose 

7 Benefits of a Prebiotics

  1. Better gut health and improved digestion
  2. Enhanced immune function
  3. Reduced risk for heart disease
  4. Help with weight loss/weight maintenance
  5. Lower inflammation
  6. Hormone regulation and improved moods
  7. Protection of bone health


Chicory root comes from the dandelion family. It is commonly used as a coffee alternative since the 19th century in France where it is commonly roasted and ground. Its slightly nutty and woody taste often works well in a wide range of both foods and drinks, including in coffee, tea, baked goods, and protein bars. 

Chicory is not digested in the small intestine but instead holds its form as it travels to the large intestine. Chicory root contains soluble fibre that absorbs water to create a gel-like substance during digestion. This helps to keep bowels moving. It also helps to absorb fatty acids, which is good for your heart. 


One of the biggest benefits of chicory root is that it gives the body a boost of dietary fibre. Fibre is an essential nutrient for the body.

Anti-inflammatory properties:

Chicory is a source of plant polyphenols which are compounds that can reduce inflammation. 

A study showed consuming chicory root led to significant improvements in red blood cell deformability. This means chicory can reduce inflammation which is associated with many diseases. (1)

Prevents constipation

If you need extra support with staying regular, chicory root can help! It has been shown to relieve constipation due to it containing inulin. (2) It will also feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut that will help you to digest your food better and increase gut motility. (3)

Supportive of the Immune System

Due to 70-80% of the immune system residing in the gut, the food that we consume has a crucial impact on our immune system. Studies have even shown that supporting gut health can help with allergic conditions like eczema. (4)


Along with proper nutrition and lifestyle, Pascoe Canada’s supplements can be excellent supporting overall health. 

To learn more about Pascoe Canada’s products, visit their website here: 

Always consult your doctor before you begin taking a supplement or make any changes to your existing medication and supplement routine. This is not medical advice, but it is information you can use as a conversation-starter with your physician at your next appointment.