Healing Eczema Naturally

*This post is not intended to be medical advice. Always consult with a practitioner.
**Affiliate discloser for AirDoctor and Kala Red Light

This past summer (2021), I began noticing some changes to my son’s skin. At first, I thought it was vitiligo as it looked like white patches all over his skin. They were on his face, hands, arms, neck and back. He was also scratching quite a bit. I took him to see a Dermatologist to see what was going on. The Dermatologist confirmed it was eczema and his skin was turning white due to his skin tanning in the summer but the eczema dry patches were so dry that they would not tan like the rest of his skin. I asked him if there was a root cause to eczema as I was curious to hear his response but he told me that eczema just happens and there is no cause.

After studying Holistic Nutrition and focusing on gut health, I knew this was not the case. I decided to hold off on the prescription and decided to take a natural approach. I began to look for the ROOT CAUSE of my son’s eczema. It is important to note that eczema typically is an internal issue which can be directed back to the gut.


We eventually found mold in our cold cellar. We had the room cleaned and vented to prevent further mold from returning. Since then I have been searching the home and have found a significant amount of mold in other areas. It’s best to check in crawl spaces, HVAC, windows, dishwasher, washing machine, under the sinks, household plants and kid’s bath toys. During the cleaning process, we used an AirDoctor to help clear the air of mold spores. We continue to use it and have noticed how fresh the air is. Find the AirDoctor here.


My son’s skin had improved from the mold removal but there were still some patches and he was still quite itchy. I began using grass-fed tallow from Fatskn to help soothe his discomfort. I used Fatskn Face and Fatskn Purist Whipped Body Butter. He was sleeping much better at night as he wasn’t so itchy and he hardly had any scratch marks after using it. Grass-fed tallow is full of bioavailable, fat-soluble vitamins and nourishing fat that helps heal the skin. Find Fatskn here.

Red Light Therapy

I had also started researching into the benefits or red light therapy for the skin. I found a significant amount of information that showed red light therapy to be helpful with many skin issues including eczema. Some of the benefits in the studies conducted included reduced itching and flaking, less swelling and inflammation, reduced pain, and faster healing. I would do short 5 minute sessions on my son using the Kala Red Light. Code JAYDE30 saves $30 off.


My son had already great nutrition but I also noticed white spots on his nails which indicate a zinc and/or calcium deficiency. I focused on organ meats and empty liver capsules from Higher Healths along with oyster powder (zinc shield) from Little Warrior Nutrition into his smoothie every morning. We also started using grass-fed kefir to increase calcium and probiotics for his gut. We also focused on anti-parasitic foods as you will learn why in the next section of this post. You can download my free Anti-Parasitic Meal Guide by clicking here.


As my son’s skin started to improve, my daughter’s skin (who was 6-months at the time) began to develop eczema. I knew that there was something else going on. I asked God to help me to figure out what was going on with them as I was at a lost of what could be causing it. Later that day, I was changing my daughter’s diaper and I found a pinworm. Pinworms are highly infectious and since I bathe the kids together I knew if one had them then so did the other. I then put them on Bioray, NDF Happy, Removes Unwanted Organisms & Toxins, Kids. After two weeks of the parasite cleanse, both kids were completely free of eczema. I saw pinworms in both of my kid’s stool along with another type of worm that may have been a whipworm in my son’s.

Before & After

These are photos of my daughter after the removal of the parasites.

These photos are of my son showing his white spots are now gone.

There can be many root causes to eczema but it is always important to address it so it does not manifest into something bigger later in life. Some other causes to consider can include:
Environmental Triggers:
Fragrances, soaps, detergents, VOCs, lotions, wifi, mold, dust, tap water.
Food Triggers:
Corn, gluten, soy, conventional dairy, eggs, histamine intolerance, nightshades.
Other root causes:
Nutritional deficiencies, stress and trauma, leaky gut, heavy metals and gut infections.

I hope our story with eczema has helped you! As a reminder, this post is not medical advice.