Herbal Infused Skincare for Healthy Glowing Skin

*This post is in partnership with Pascoe Canada.

Skincare products can contribute to a large amount of toxic exposure for many people. Conventional products can contain artificial ingredients that can damage the skin instead of supporting it. 

The good news is that many products use natural ingredients such as Pascoe Canada’s Skin Rejuvenation Skincare line. Pascoe’s products are infused with herbs that come with many benefits to the skin such as anti-inflammatory, toning, calming and antioxidant properties. 

 What makes Pascoe’s skincare line different from others?

Pascoe’s natural skincare line combines the essence of eight carefully chosen plant extracts to help soothe, calm and balance skin. Along with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C, their advanced formula includes the unique synergy of eight healing herbs: passionflower, marigold, pansy, thyme, gentian, echinacea, sage, and hops.

Passionflower: calming and antioxidant

Passionflower is known as a very gentle and calming herb. It may help to reduce skin irritations and burns. Passionflower is used in many different forms to provide natural healing support to the body. It can be used in tea forms, infusions, and tinctures. Pascoe Canada also has a Passionflower herbal supplement called Pascoflair which helps to aid in better sleep. 

 Passionflower is a plant in which the parts of the plant above the ground are used, in different forms, to provide natural healing purposes and food flavouring. You may have heard of passionflower tea or passionflower extract — and it’s also found as infusions, teas, liquid extracts and tinctures.

Pansy: antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

Pansy flowers are rich in colour and velvety petals. The wild pansy, which is known as heartsease, flowers from May to August. It displays a variety of colours such as yellow, blue, purple and white into the wide range of hues that give meadows such vibrancy. 

 It is best known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The pansy flowers are rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins which help to improve tissue microcirculation. The presence of flavonoids, the diuretic, purifying, emollient and anti-itching properties, make this plant an excellent supporting tool for skin conditions such as eczema, acne, psoriasis, etc.

 Pansies are known for thriving in silica-rich soil. Silicic acid is known to support the skin especially the upper later and underlying connective tissue. 

Thyme: antioxidant and antimicrobial

Thyme is a herb that belongs to the mint family. The plant is a relative to oregano. Thyme is known as a popular culinary herb however it also has medicinal properties such as antibacterial, antioxidant, anticarcinogenesis, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antifungal properties. (1)

 Thyme contains both vitamin A and vitamin C and a bacteria fighter known as carvacrol and it also has a variety of flavonoids — including apigenin, naringenin, luteolin and thymonin. These flavonoids increase the herb’s antioxidant capacity and other health-promoting effects.

 For medicinal properties, thyme can be used in a form of tea, tincture, supplements and topical extracts. 

 The uses of thyme include helping to kill a variety of germs and preventing infections, as well as scavenging free radicals that contribute to the ageing process. (2)

Gentian: anti-inflammatory, toning

Gentian is a bitter herb that has been used throughout Europe for over 2,000 years. It can be used as a liver tonic, aid in digestion, fights inflammation and supports the nervous system. 

 This herb can also be used topically as it has antibacterial, antifungal and anthelmintic properties. When used topically, it can help with skin infections especially mucous membranes lined with harmful bacteria, yeast and mould. In recent years, gentian has gained attention for its dermatologic uses as it fights bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. It has also been shown to improve blood flow to wounds or damaged tissue. 

Marigold: calming and skin protecting

Marigolds have a bright orange coloured flower that has impressive benefits. There are many species of marigold flowers but calendula is considered to be the most powerful medicinal herb. This beautiful flower can be used to make healing herbal ointments, teas, tinctures and topical treatments. Research shows that these flowers have various antioxidant and volatile oils to help with inflammation. (3)

Marigolds are commonly used for their anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antifungal compounds. (4) The uses of marigold range from helping with conditions of rashes, allergies, eczema and redness of the skin. It also has antifungal properties which are helpful with athlete’s foot and candida. 

Calendula marigold controls oxidative damage from free radicals which can have an impact on delicate tissues including the eyes. Research also shows it helps to fight the growth of bacteria in wounds. (5) (6)

Hops: anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antimicrobial

Hops have strong anti-fungal properties and can be used internally and externally. Hops tea can be helpful for a sluggish liver and to support hormonal health. It also has natural plant estrogens which can help create toners and body lotions. Hops extract is commonly used for dry and stressed skin as well as discolouration and wrinkles. It acts as a natural moisturizer and has many anti-inflammatory benefits that reduce heat within the skin as well as the redness associated with rosacea. 

 Hops have antiseptic compounds which have shown to help with bacteria-prone acne. Xanthohumomol, which is found in hops, helps to fight signs of skin ageing by increasing collagen and elastin production. This can lead to softer skin when used topically. 

Sage: antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory

Sage is a perennial, evergreen shrub with green leaves. Sage has many uses such as culinary, helping with colds, aiding in digestion to providing anti-inflammatory properties to the skin.

 The plant sage has fuzzy leaves that are packed with antioxidants that provide anti-inflammatory properties to help protect against free radicals. Sage is known as a cleansing herb and is rich in anti-microbial compounds which can be used to support wound infections caused by bacteria. 

 Sage can be used on the skin as it has the presence of camphor and camphene in sage essential oil can help combat fungal infections of the skin, such as dermatitis and athlete’s foot. (11)

Echinacea: radical scavenger, skin regenerating, antimicrobial

Echinacea is a powerful herb that is commonly used during a cold and flu however it has many benefits and uses to the body. 

 Echinacea is a coneflower that is classified as a herb. The flowers, leaves and roots can all be used for medicinal purposes. 

Echinacea also provides benefits to the skin. It helps to improve skin hydration and reduces wrinkles. Research shows that using skin products containing plant extracts may help to support skin health. It is also very gentle on the skin and helpful to those with sensitive skin. 
Purchase Pascoe’s Skin Rejuvenating Kit here.


Along with proper nutrition and lifestyle, Pascoe Canada’s skincare line can be excellent supporting tools to help with healthy glowing skin! 

To learn more about Pascoe Canada’s products, visit their website here: https://www.pascoe.ca/