*This post is in partnership with Pascoe Canada.

With over 75 percent of women dealing with PMS during their menstrual cycle, is it obvious that many are struggling with unpleasant symptoms during this natural process. 

Many women (between 30-40%) even say that the PMS symptoms impact their day-to-day living because they are experiencing severe cramps, fatigue, mood issues and gastrointestinal problems. (1)

It can be hard to believe that PMS was not recognized by medical doctors until the 1980s! Those experiencing PMS may notice symptoms appearing 1-2 weeks before their period and the pain can range from mild to severe. 

A hormonal imbalance is the main contributor to the symptoms of PMS. The solution is often improving nutrition, lifestyle and supporting proper gut health. 

Symptoms of PMS

Possible symptoms for women experiencing PMS can include: (2)

  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained crying
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Cravings for certain foods
  • Swollen breasts
  • Brain fog
  • Insomnia
  • Water retention
  • Bloating
  • Digestive disturbances (constipation/diarrhea) 
  • Skin blemishes
  • Back pain
  • Irritability
  • Weight gain

What can contribute to PMS? (3)

  • Poor gut health
  • Highly processed foods
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Imbalanced thyroid
  • Environmental toxins
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Chronic stress
  • Emotional trauma
  • Over consuming alcohol and caffeine
  • Lack of physical exercise

PMS can also be connected with mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome. It is always important to get to the root cause of the symptoms to address the main issue at hand. 

Thankfully, improvements to diet, stress management techniques and natural remedies can greatly improve symptoms of PMS.

Foods to increase to help with PMS:

Many women who experience PMS issues can be deficient in calcium, B vitamins, vitamin K and E. Magnesium deficiency can intensify PMS symptoms. (4

Adding more plants to the diet

Studies have shown a decrease in PMS symptoms in women who had a more diverse diet that included vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and herbs. (5)

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens have a diuretic effect on the body and can contain calcium, magnesium and vitamin K which can all support symptoms of PMS.

Fibre-Rich Foods

The gut has a strong influence on hormones which can impact symptoms of PMS. Adding more fibre-rich foods to the diet can help to support the gut and hormones. Many of these foods bond to estrogen and carry it out of the body. 


Flax helps to promote healthy estrogen metabolism which is essential for PMS management. 

Calcium-rich foods

Calcium has a significant amount of science to back up supporting symptoms of PMS. Food sources can include raw dairy, well-cooked kale, broccoli, sardines and kefir. Kefir also has many benefits to the gut microbiome as it is a probiotic-rich food.


Avocados are a healthy fat and are necessary for proper balance within the hormones. Avocados are a great source of fibre, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6. 

Foods to Avoid for PMS Symptoms

Identify Food Sensitivities & Allergies

It can be helpful to work with a nutritional practitioner to identify any triggering foods. Inflammation in the body, especially the gut, can aggravate PMS symptoms. 

Processed Vegetable Oils, Trans fats and hydrogenated fats

Industrial seed oils like canola oil, safflower, sunflower can make PMS symptoms worse. It is always best to read ingredients carefully to avoid these inflammatory oils. 

Refined sugar and artificial sweeteners

These foods can cause an imbalance in blood sugar levels which can cause mood disorders and brain fog. They can also feed the bad bacteria in the gut and can deplete minerals. 

Caffeine & Alcohol

Caffeine can be dehydrating to the body which can impact the mood and cause increased breast tenderness. Alcohol consumption can increase cramping during menstruation. and can worsen depression, anxiety, and breast tenderness.

Supplements for PMS and Period Cramps

Taking a natural approach can be a great option when addressing PMS issues. Pascoe Canada’s Pascofemin tablets are a homeopathic remedy used to relieve symptoms associated with menopause, PMS and other hormonal disturbances such as hot flashes, sleep disorders, bloating, mood swings, irritability, breast tenderness, abdominal pain and headaches.

Pascofemin is suitable for adults and children 12 years and up and made with naturally sourced medicinal ingredients including agnus castus, pulsatilla, lilium tigrinum, and cimicifuga. 

Pascofemin® is extremely effective at treating the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, irritability and mood swings. In an observational study, it was found that 58.8% of women noticed a significant improvement in symptoms, while 20.6% were symptom-free and 14.7% reported some improvement. (Improvement in menopausal symptoms in women using Pascofemin, Wilrick, 1999)

In another observational study for PMS, 75% of patients saw complete elimination of their physical symptoms and 71% of patients has complete elimination of emotional symptoms. (Krick and Singer, 2002) 

*For best results, use Pascofemin® consistently for 2-3 months or 2-3 menstrual cycles.


Along with proper nutrition, stress management and lifestyle, Pascoe Canada’s supplements can be excellent supporting overall health. 

To learn more about Pascoe Canada’s products, visit their website here: 

Always consult your doctor before you begin taking a supplement or make any changes to your existing medication and supplement routine. This is not medical advice, but it is information you can use as a conversation starter with your physician at your next appointment.