Morning Routine For Gut Health

*This post is in partnership with Pascoe Canada

The way we begin our morning can have a significant impact on the rest of our day and even the state of our gut health. 

Here are some ways I like to begin my day:

Start by focusing your eyes on the sun:

Instead of heading straight for my phone, I look out my window to the sun to balance my circadian rhythm. This will help to improve sleep which will then help to improve gut health. ⁣ Exposure to natural light, especially early in the day, helps to reinforce the strongest circadian cue.

Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock, running in the background to carry out essential functions and processes. One of the most important and well-known circadian rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle.

Different systems of the body follow circadian rhythms that are synchronized with a master clock in the brain. This master clock is directly influenced by environmental cues, especially light, which is why circadian rhythms are tied to the cycle of day and night.

When properly balanced, a circadian rhythm can encourage consistent and restorative sleep. When the circadian rhythm is off, it can create significant sleeping problems such as insomnia.

Tongue scraping: 

Using mouthwash for bad breath is like putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg. Bad breath can be a signal of some sort of infection: H. pylori, chronic tonsillitis, chronic sinusitis, or digestive dysbiosis (bad bacteria or fungi (candida). Other contributors can include low HCL levels (stomach acid), GERD, poor flora and constipation. 

Tongue scraping is a way to practice oral hygiene that removes bacteria, food debris, fungi, toxins, and dead cells from the surface of the tongue.

How can it help with our digestion?

As we sleep, our digestive system works hard to remove toxins from our body and deposits them onto the surface of our tongue. 

Scraping these toxins off of our tongue as soon as we wake up can help to prevent us from reabsorbing the toxins. If we reabsorb the toxins, it can lower our immune system and leave us with digestive troubles.

Proper digestion begins in the mouth. As we remove the toxins from our mouth, we are also activating saliva production which will help to aid in digestion as it creates digestive enzymes. Removing the bacteria also helps to prevent the bacteria from going back into our digestive system.

Tongue scraping can also help to:

Support the immune system

Enhance the flavour of food

Fresh breath

Reduce cavities

Filtered water with electrolytes – Pascoe Canada’s Basenpowder

Drinking plenty of water has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the mucosal lining of the intestines, as well as on the balance of good bacteria in the gut. Staying hydrated is a simple way to promote a healthy gut.

I like to drink room temperature water with lemon and Pascoe Canada’s Basenpowder first thing in the morning. 

What is Basenpowder?

Basenpowder Pascoe is a multi-mineral electrolyte powder supplement. This supplement works to replenish the body and to support vital physical processes. Basenpowder delivers essential minerals and electrolytes to: 

  • Help maintain proper muscle function
  • Help in tissue formation and bone health
  • Support healthy hair, skin, and nails using zinc
  • Support immune function

Basenpowder contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc. These are the most essential vitamins and minerals the body needs. Calcium and other minerals are used in muscle contraction and nerve impulses. They control blood pressure and support healthy bones. Electrolytes are needed for our organs and cells to function. The mineral supplement balances acidity and helps repair damaged tissue. Essential electrolytes support a healthy immune system. 

Electrolytes and trace minerals are always rising and falling due to hydration and changes in bodily fluid. Essential minerals are not made by the body. They must come from a well-balanced all-natural diet. However, adequate calcium, magnesium, and potassium are harder to obtain in the right amount. This is why Basenpowder’s easily absorbable formula is a top pick that can be used by anyone. Supplementation benefits people with mineral deficiencies. This might be due to age or illness. Mineral deficiency may also occur as a result of some diseases, such as osteoporosis. Minerals may help to relieve symptoms of dehydration. Athletes can consume the electrolyte supplement as a sports drink for hydration. It provides electrolyte replacement and refuels energy levels. The electrolyte drink delivers rapid hydration, prevents muscle cramps, and strengthens bones. 

Learn more about Pascoe Canada’s Basenpowder by clicking here. 

Gratitude Journal:

Starting the day on a positive note can have a huge impact on our mood and stress levels. My concept of gratitude involves focusing on thoughts and actions while valuing all that I have and showing this appreciation to myself and others.

A gratitude journal in the simplest form is just a notebook in which you write all the things you’re thankful for. There are commercially designed ones that have prompts and questions to help you dive deeper into your thoughts and feelings. 

Gratitude Journal Prompts:

  • What is something that made you smile today? Something that made you laugh?
  • What’s your favourite thing about your morning routine?
  • Name one person who inspires you. Can you model your life after them in some way?
  • What’s a song/movie/book that you love? What lessons can you learn from them?
  • Think back on a random act of kindness someone showed you and write about it.
  • Write about holidays or special occasions that you are thankful for.
  • Write as many positive things as you can about yourself. 
  • If you could do one activity every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why is this one activity so special/important.
  • Name something really good that came from a bad situation.
  • Write all the things you love about someone special in your life. 

Nutrient-dense breakfast:

Start the day with a nutritious whole foods meal to keep you energized throughout the day. 

One of my favourites is a breakfast salad which is loaded with mixed greens, sauerkraut, roasted sweet potatoes and hard-boiled eggs. 

For more breakfast ideas, try these:

Banana Chai Smoothie

Sweet Potato & Berry Breakfast Bowl

Grain-free Porridge with Pomegranates

What does your morning routine look like?


Along with proper nutrition and lifestyle, Pascoe Canada’s herbal supplements can be excellent supporting tools to help you start your day off right. 

To learn more about Pascoe Canada’s products, visit their website here:

Always consult your doctor before you begin taking a supplement or make any changes to your existing medication and supplement routine. This is not medical advice, but it is information you can use as a conversation-starter with your physician at your next appointment.