UTI – Causes and Remedies

*This post is in partnership with Pascoe Canada. 

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are an infection caused by microbes. These organisms can only be seen with a microscope and are typically caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. UTIs are quite common and can be uncomfortable, especially for women. (1)

A UTI can occur in the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. 

Bacteria in the bowel is the most common form of UTI. The bacteria can enter the urinary tract which can cause infection. Practicing proper hygiene can help to avoid the bacteria from the bowels making their way to the urinary tract. (2) There are several home remedies to try for UTIs, however, if your infection persists, your doctor may recommend an antibiotic. 

What are the symptoms of a UTI?

Symptoms will vary depending on where the UTI is. 

  • Pain and burning when urinating
  • Frequent need to urinate even if no urine comes out
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Foul-smelling urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Cloudy urine
  • Rectal pain in men
  • Abdominal pain

Women can be more susceptible to UTIs than men because their urethras are much shorter causing bacteria to reach the bladder. (3)

Foods to Avoid For UTIs


Pop is loaded with added sugar and artificial ingredients which are harmful to our health. The added sugar can feed the microbes which are contributing to the infection. Because of the sugar content, pop can cause irritation to the bladder for those who already have inflammation. 


Alcohol can have an effect on bladder function. Alcohol is a diuretic, so it can increase the frequency of urination. Focus on water to help flush out the bacteria. 

Dairy Products:

Many dairy products are low-quality from animals who may have required medication. Dairy can also convert to sugar within the body so it is best to avoid it until the infection has cleared up. 


Most breads are highly refined and have a low fibre and nutrient content. They can also cause blood sugar spikes if not properly balanced. (4). Grains can convert to sugar in the body and it is best to keep sugar at a minimum when dealing with a UTI. 

Caffeinated Beverages:

Caffeinated beverages can cause irritation to the bladder which can increase the inflammation. Caffeine is a diuretic, so it can increase symptoms of urination urgency.

Fruit Juices:

It is often assumed that fruit juices are healthy, however, most fruit juices contain high amounts of added sugar. Be cautious around cranberry juice as it can also contain added sugars which can make the situation worse. (5).

Helpful Remedies for UTIs

Pascoe Canada’s Pascosabal:

Pascosabal is a homeopathic remedy to relieve painful, frequent urination. Pascosabal helps reduce inflammation in the urinary tract, ultimately easing the pain or discomfort associated with dysuria, and reducing the sudden urgency and frequency of urination. Pascobal’s antispasmodic effect helps curb the frequency of urination as well.

How can Pascosabal help?

The combination of active ingredients of the 4 plant components in Pascosabal, serenoa repens, hydrangea arborescens, atropa belladonna, and citrullus colocynthis has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Pascosabal is formulated to reduce the frequency of urination, as well as to ease the pain and discomfort associated with dysuria and other urological conditions.

Due to various causes of dysuria and other urological conditions, it is best to see a doctor and be diagnosed so you may be properly treated. Diagnosing dysuria requires a physical examination, which for women, may include a pelvic examination. A blood test and a urine test will likely be ordered to determine the cause.

Call your doctor or seek urgent care if you have painful urination or blood in the urine and any of these other symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Frequent urination and an urgent need to urinate
  • Abdominal pain
  • Back pain
  • An abnormal vaginal or urethral discharge

Cranberry Extract:

Cranberry extract can be helpful to prevent reoccurring UTIs.

Cranberries contain compounds called proanthocyanidins, which prevent E. coli bacteria from attaching to the lining of your urethra and bladder (6)(7).

Clove Oil:

Cloves have antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties which can help to reduce pain and encourage healing. (8) Clove oil is highly concentrated and can be taken internally with guidance from a practitioner. 

Urinate Frequently:

Trying to urinate frequently can help to remove some of the bacteria that could be building up in the bladder. Urination after sexual intercourse should also be done to help eliminate bacteria that may have entered into the urethra.

Garlic (Allicin):

Garlic is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. There have been studies to show that garlic can exhibit antibacterial activity against various bacterial strains including E. coli. (9)

Hydrate with Water:

Drinking liquids throughout the day helps to flush the bacteria from the body.


UTIs can be incredibly painful and uncomfortable. Leaving UTIs unaddressed cause pose serious health risks. 

Along with proper nutrition and lifestyle, Pascoe Canada’s herbal supplements can be excellent supporting tools to help you to manage pain from inflammation for UTIs.

To learn more about Pascoe Canada’s products, visit their website here: https://www.pascoe.ca/

Always consult your doctor before you begin taking a supplement or make any changes to your existing medication and supplement routine. This is not medical advice, but it is information you can use as a conversation-starter with your physician at your next appointment. Always seek medical advice if the infection does not clear up promptly.